Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dulux ARtitude Competition

Hello Sexays 8D
How r u guys doing?
Today I went to KBU International College to attend Dulux ARTitude competition >3<
I SCREW IT XD!! I really screw it badly~~ ((flip table


Actually only 2nd year student were allow to join, me n my fren ''smuggled'' in n joined the competition. Apparently both of us lost 
ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ OH well~ we joined for fun anyway :D

we r given a box, then design it according to the topic.  I didn't know v could just doodle, or cut out the whole shape >.< This competition can only joined by Interior Designs & Architecture students. So i thought i could only decorate the interiors, i mean yes for outside too! But nvr tot it could even change the original shape oTL Turning into smtg else like cone shape or ball shape QAQ All depends on ur creativity oTL

Since i screw the artwork badly, won't post the picture up XD UGLY~~~